This game is by far the best MMO ever. It has the best non-grind PvE And PvP ever seen in an online game!
Then Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is something for you. The game is innovating in so many ways, take for example the Public Quests, Open Groups, RvR, Victory Points, Trophies, Morale Abilities, Tactics, Tome of Knowledge and much much more!
PvP / RvR is the best thing about this game, because all classes (20) are interesting and fun to play, and no class or classes are overpowered. Everything seems balanced and just works great in massive PvP fights.
Some of the great things about the PvP is that it's so accessible, thanks to the Open Groups. You join an Open group by simple clicking on a small button near your unit frame, and choose witch group you want to join. It even shows you the type of group (PvE group, RvR Group or if its a Public Quest Group - and how far away from you they are), and you are all ready to head on to the RvR battlefield and join the fight!
PvE is also so great, I've never come upon an MMO that offered such fun PvE. In all other mmos I've played, PvE was all one big boring quest grind. In WAR, this isn't the case.
Lets say you just start out in the beginning area for the first time. You then take a lot of new quests. In other games, this would make me go "god dammit, now I have to read all the quest logs to know what to do - and I'm properly going in circles some time before I'll find the right mob to kill". Now you see, in WAR the developers have used their brains:
So, now you have the 10+ new quests, all you have to do to know where to go is to open up your map, and you will see small or big red circles indicating where you need to go to do your different quests! This is SUCH a great feature, and all other MMOs should have this.
So, now you are running around doing your interesting and fun quests (quests in WAR are really thought through), and you come upon a PQ (Public Quest).
You then automatically get a new quest when you enter the PQ area, and a small box in the upper right corner of the screen tells you what you need to kill / collect. Keep in mind that you can join the PQ group if other players are doing it too, this makes teamwork a lot more easier.
Now you are killing what ever the PQ tells you too, and as you do, you get a lot of nice XP plus Influence.
Influence is like Reputation from WoW, only that you don't need nearly as much influence to get your nice rewards.
So the benefit of doing a PQ is that you get a lot of XP, and you get influence that you can use to get rewards for. There are 3 different rewards you can get: Basic, Advanced and Elite. Basic is often potions ect, Advanced is medium armour / weapons, and elite is great armour / weapons.
AND when the PQ is done, and you have killed the final boss, a big lovely chest drops from the skies, and a roll begins. Now, the more you contributed in the PQ, the better bonus roll you will get. The bonus roll is added to a random roll between 1-1000. Then some loot bags are shown, and if you roll high enough, you might win a White (minor), Green (lesser), Blue (Large) or Gold (Massive) loot bag, each containing some stuff that is just for your class / profession. Or you can just take the coin ;)
The game runs smoothly, even in massive RvR fights.
So if you are looking for a new MMO, this sure is a good choice!
Awesome PvP / RvR, both open PvP wise, and Scenarios (battleground) wise!
Awesome PvE!