Definately worth playing
Class Diversity
One of the features that no other game cannot claim fame to is the class diversity. There are 18 different classes with 18 different approaches, each with 3 different talent trees to pick and choose from. I've never seen or experienced this before. This means that everytime you want to create a new character, if you choose a different race, you choose a different class. If you choose a different class, you are in for a much different experience. With my terribly bad ADD, this really adds to my appeal. I love the fact that I can switch back and forth for a unique experience each time.
RVR/PVP and classes
It seems to me, as far as I've come to find out, that each class can be successful in RVR. There are no gimped classes in this game. I can remember when I was playing WOW as a protection specced warrior and I wouldnt dare step into a PVP scenario or arena because I knew it was no use. I couldnt do damage and I couldnt protect against spells. As a matter of fact, the only viability I was able to find, was to take some points out of Prot tree and put them into, I believe the dps tree? so I could get Demoralizing Shout. Then at least the other classes could kill things easier. Not in this game though, Tanks can run in and distract/tank the others, while the healers heal and the dps'ers dps. When I PVP in Warhammer, it feels very similar to the style in which I would raid in WOW.
There are tons of them and they arent as boring as many say. By the way, what was so interesting about any quests that any other game put out, including WOW? I find quests to be necessary in order to level and that's about all I think of them and in Warhammer, there are plenty to go around.
Fun Factor
Addicting. Totally and utterly addicting. I can't stop playing and when Im not playing, Im thinking about what Im going to do the next time I log on. The thing is, Warhammer decided to go against the grain with it's style. Rather than seperating every aspect of the game so that you could pick and choose, it melds every aspect together, causing a fast, chaotic, unique and very much so, fun environment where anything can happen around the next corner or down the next path.
They are great for the design desired. It's more cartoonish art then realism, but for cartoonish, it's top notch and after playing LOTRO, AoC and Vanguard, I've come to realize that cartoonish art just looks better than the clunky and most of the time, boring realistic graphics. It puts the "fantasy" in MMORPG's whereas more realistic graphics just make the characters seem more like the people you see everyday(minus the axes, blood and attire).
SOrry guys, I really never care about the sound. I guess its good.
Final Thoughts
If you like PVP, you HAVE to buy this game. If you like a balance of PVP and PVE, you have to buy this game. If you dont like PVP(like me) you HAVE to try this game. It changed my mind...I can't stop my desire to want to RVR/PVP all day rather than quest and level. If you dont like this game, that's fine, it wont be for everyone, but I think that you should try it before taking someone's word. THis game has too much to offer to leave it on the shelf for the next gamer to purchase.