WHO is slightly different visually and play style. From the get go, the public quests are a welcome excursion. The comparitive instances are available from the onset. The que's are currently long, but that will get better with the addition of servers. Some visual alignment glitches abound, but nothing like AoC which is basically unplayable at times. Have not had a single lockup. Being a WoW player who doesn't really PvP, I find this new RvR and balancing exciting. A level 3 toon can enter an area, get lvl 8 for the timeframe, and duke it out with the opposing side. Graphics aren't great, but better than WoW. Audio is a nice mixture but lacking at times. Overall, cancelling my AoC and will play this alongside WoW. One has to be careful of the respawn rates as they are almost immediate. The difficulty even with this does not pose a problem. When targeting, you are not left to question if you can take them or not since it says effortless, easy, equal, etc. at each onset. Quite a nice launch and Mythic may keep adding content and patches to make it even better. Definately a keeper.
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