Got to see the game from preview weekend all the way through open beta. Without a doubt, Warhammer is my new addiction.

User Rating: 10 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
You know how they used to call Everquest Evercrack.... Well we're potentially looking at some WARcrack here.

Just try the game. Every play style has been tweaked to make sure no ones bored and running around without anything to do. Whether you're logging on for 30 minutes or 7 hours, its a blast every time. True it takes someone who has a head on their shoulders to enjoy every aspect of the game, but what game isn't like that? The lore from the tabletop game adds a whole new element to the in game actions. Even though the whole server hasn't reached the level cap at the moment, you can still see what groundwork Mythic set up to have some awesome developer ran game events.

The play style of the game brings benefits from great mmo's like Everquest and Daoc, to some of benefits of WoW. Being a vet of those games made me very skeptical initially, but Mythic has been able to prove that they have a superior product. Way to go guys!