This game is pure fun.

User Rating: 9 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
First off I love the warhammer world, have played the table top and roleplaying game on and off for 20yrs and had very high expectations for this game.

I believe they have captured the spirit of the warhammer world very well, Its one thing to read about the dragon gates, its another thing to see them.

The game is very user friendly, the game is easy to get into (the easiest mmo i have played so far) and Public quests take away the whole lfg need a grp to get gear scenario of every other mmo.

Pvp and Rvr is this games strongest points , there are 3 different pvp zones every 10 lvls , so pvp doesnt get stale, and the sieges in Rvr are the most fun i've had in an mmo since I found my paladin could solo the names in lower Guk. There's something very cool about pouring boiling oil on twenty destruction players as they batter down a door.

So if your like MMOs with depth and love the thrill of smiting other players in epic battles then i strongly recommend this game