Mythic just hauled out it's slice of the cake. Finally, one that could be easily chosen, EVEN over World of Warcraft.

User Rating: 10 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
The game is heavily focused on RvR, we know. However the funny thing is, it's PvE section is alot more engaging than that of World of Warcraft. And trust me RvR, ROCKS. It is the flat out best PvP I have ever experienced. It's fast and easy, you can literally hop in, play a RvR scenario and be done in 15 minutes if you don't have much time to play, and still be satisfied. It isn't like WoW where the best PvP experience is when your character is maxed out, no in Warhammer you will have fun at any level, granted at rank 40 it is extremely fun and more fun than before, doesn't mean that RvR isn't fun at the lower levels. Being a WoW fanboy at one point, I know what its like to think that no other MMO could ever be better. But of course, it happened. Why is it better? The looting system works so well and is extremely fair, the Public Quest system is the best PvE system I've ever seen, and all the classes are balanced ALREADY in the first week of play, and very few bugs exist. There is so much more reasons and I'd like to ask anyone reading this review who is skeptical about the game to scope it out, read about it on Warhammer's website and read about it here at Gamespot. Watch the discussion and watch gameplay videos. You will see how awesome this game is. This game is a must buy for any MMO player or fan, or even someone who wants to get into them, this is the game for you.