Not just some WoW copy, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is a superb MMO that has some flaws, but these will be fixed.

User Rating: 9 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
Do not believe people who rate this under an 8, those people are either biased or they cannot run it, (most of the time it is the latter.)

Graphics wise Warhammer is a different style than WoW, I do not get why people bash the graphics, sure it is not the best, but it can run on older PCs. i would give it an 8

The sound is typical for an MMO, a good MMO. 9

The gameplay is where it is at, with the i think 19-24 classes(including mirror classes,which still have differences) you can find a class to fit your playstyle. The things that make WAR unique is the RvR and Public quests, so far i haven't done too many PQs but I can tell you the ones I have done were pretty good, not amazing but good. RvR is truly awesome, I could go on and on about, which I won't.One thing that is a flaw right now is some animation issues and roots, both of which are hopefully going to be fixed (roots might be fixed idk) i would give it a 10. The quests are like normal MMOs, but with a 100 percent drop rate, i know, the concept that a raptor has a head may confuse you but yes. 10

Overall around an 9 SO FAR, should rise to a steady 9.2-9.6.