Bottom line: Anyone still playing wow is a moron. Its like they made wow and took out all the rubbish.
Better graphics.
More classes.
Better pvp.
Group quests.
Open parties.
Influence rewards (make getting xp more interesting).
Outdoor pvp objectives with proper loot.
Difficult to leech xp / renown
the list goes on. This game is outstanding and well worth the wait.
Ignore the wow fanboys that have rated this game poorly, anyone who's tried it has agreed its easily the best mmo going around.
This is just some more writing so i make the minimum word requirement, but seriously dont buy wotlk :/ what? one class and 10 more levels ? crazy..... this game is heads up better than wow, and if they were released at the same time, warhammer would be the one in front i guarantee.
It just makes no sense that people haven't jumped on this game yet. These guys actually listen to the players and have made a game for us.