Warhammer is surprisingly amazing.

User Rating: 9 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
My friend got me into this game the day after released. I was a bit skeptical because I learned my lesson from AoC. I don't want to buy an unfinished game again so I let my friend play it first. He convinced me to buy it so I did.

I would say that its one of the best game I bought. I thought I was gonna be left out since I heard from most people that this game is a PVP game and there is no room for PVE. They were wrong. I prefer PVE over PVP but I think this game will change that. From the starting zone(Tier 1) all the way to the higher tiers, there is so much thing to do for a PVE type player.

The game will introduce PVP through a PVE quest. Now this is not the type of PVP that we are all use to. Warhammer Online added some new twist on their PVP(called RvR). Each zone has their own RvR area. There are objectives that you need to accomplish. If you successfully accomplish the objective and you are in control of the area. You are given a small buff. The buff will increase the amount you receive whenever you gain Renown Points/Experience, etc. This is helpful because renown points are use to get skills(called Renown Talents[If i remember it right]}.

There are also PVP scenarios in the game. It is a PVP instance where you fight the other faction for an objective.
You also gain experience from killing other players. You can join PVP Scenarios even if your character level is low. The game will automatically increase your level(Stats) when you join a scenario to prevent mismatch. This is a fantastic idea if you're going to ask me. They eliminate the level value in PVP. All that matter now is your skill of controlling your character and in some cases, the players gear. Team Coordination is an essential part of this game, but it is still rare and sometimes even impossible to achieve since most players mind there own.

There are numerous new MMO features that they added into the game. There are also some old features but Warhammer gave it a little twist.

Overall WAR is surprisingly amazing. Sure its still has bugs and glitches, but What do you expect for a new release? Even other popular MMO has bugs. Its a part of the game.

Congratulations to the developers. Great Job.