I have played most MMORPG games starting with Ultima Online wich I quite enjoyed after that Everquest, due to the succes of the last named most games even now to day quite resemble this game. Due to the massive succes of WoW wich has become the standard of MMORPG's even the old ones such as Star Wars Galaxies wich had a brilliant and huge leveling system changed into a more WoW like system utterly ruining the game. Somehow lately most developers start to smell the cash involved in MMORPG's and started making more clones. It somehow seems that they are **** MMORPG games every time they go to the toilet. Basicly most MMORPG's consume a lot of time before you actualy be able to compete with players that play 16/7. I have said it many times before, MMORPG's have become something for unemployed or school skipping children. This game solves a lot of problems. Players that play a lot get obviously rewarded, yet players who do not have many time are able to compete with them. You got plenty of ways of getting your items and to level, YES killing players gives good XP finnaly !! Ofcourse for players that like to do group PVE combat there are plenty of options as well. Sieging feels sorta lame because you have certain build slots for siege weapons and you can only attack the hardpoints, but hey you can actualy siege castles now !! Graphics are sort of dissapointing compared to other new MMORPG's such as AOC, yet this also adds to playability and stability. So far I have been playing like 24 hours in total and only crashed once. Battlegrounds are somewhat congested at rushhours but appart from that I enjoy every moment of it in the game. I have been PVPing in BG's since level 2!. Drawback of this game it has so many options you need a lot of time to find out how it works, yes the basics are quite easy but to master the game will take a lot of time. I am definitly gonna play this game for a long time! Kind regards A MMORPG'er C.V. Ultima Online Everquest Asherons call Dark age of Camelot Starw Wars Galaxies World of Warcraft Lord of The Rings Online Age of Conan Pirates of the Burning Sea Tabula Rasa Warhammer Online and those I forget to mention :P
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