A stellar addition to the MMO genre. If you are sick of geared-up WoW nerds, this is for you.
User Rating: 9 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
After testing the game and playing since CE head start, I must say that WoW has a legitimate competitor in WAR. Its fresh take on the way MMOs should work is very entertaining, and this game should not be called a WoW clone. I am playing a Witch Hunter on Crag Rock, and my only beef at this point is queuing from overpopulation, which devs started to handle before the game even launched. The public quests are very entertaining, and RvR is just awesome, and I haven't even raided a city yet. The guild ranking system also creates a sense of accomplishment for actions of the guild. I haven't seen any instances thus far, but have heard complaints about the sewer in Altdorf being buggy. I haven't had too much trouble getting competitive gear so far; the renown ranking system makes it relatively easy for players committed to RvR to keep gear competitive. With regards to imbalance of Order v Destruction, I have seen no such thing. A player in a competitive guild (I'm reppin Anxiety on Crag Rock, CHEA) will not have problems RvRing successfully. In short, this game kicks. Coming from a guy who got sick of WoW before BC came out, this is what you ex-WoWers have been waiting for.