Sad...on the surface it looks good, but behind the scenes its lacking...this one loses my vote.
Plenty of potential to grow and evolve, just with 4 days of play I have some immediate annoyances...and yes though I have cancelled WOW I am actually taking breaks from Warhammer to play WOW...
This is just some of the more annoying items that could be fixed...soon I hope.
Time delay between sending mail...20 seconds, you must wait before you can send another mail.
Mails limited to sending one item.
There is an auction house mail slot, but no one and I mean no one has a clue where an auction house might be.
Buy must be joking, the only equipment you can buy seems to be for different races, or require a lot of RvR...duh, low lvl grind is long and tedious.
There are quests going to particular towns, but unless you have been to that town you cannot travel to the town...
Buy potions...laugh, kind of sad when you the tank and you have to rely on finding potions, so you can get theory you can make your own...if you ever find a one I have spoken to has found a trainer...
Put items in the bank...what bank.
Get extra bags...nope, leveling is very slow...the endless grind again...every 10 levels your bags grow slightly...guess how often you run of space.
Want to follow someone else in your party...nope.
Crafting is much like Guildwars as is Resource Gathering, lets step back in time rather than go forward...this seriously lets you at least craft your own armour?..Nope, you can only make Potions and Trinkets...woopi, if you are one of the few people whoever find a crafting trainer that is.
Resource gathering...rofl...whats the point
Gold...spend it on what exactly lol
Auction House, rumoured but no one knows where and if one exists.
Buy basic items from vendors...nope...the only way you will gear up is the occassional random drop, (and I do mean random most of the time its for a different race and a different class you cannot use.) and completing a quest.