There are bugs, and I hate having to accept the EULA EVERY TIME I play, but I'm having fun, that's what really matters.

User Rating: 8.5 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
I do have issues with the thing. First off I'm not bit into fantasy based mmo's, I enjoy sci-fi much more, but even I can get into this game (and have).
Yeah there are bugs, I'd expect that with any new MMO (though I believe we shouldn't have to).
There are places where the game totally falls short on expectations, while others where it really shines. Hopefully the people at Mythic will get off their butts and fix those shortcomings (and do it in a timely manner). As the game is now it does feel more like a beta (quests that lead to no where, no ability to alt-tab out of the game and then get back in without restarting the game, etc).
Oh and the thing that annoys me the most? Having to accept the EULA EVERY TIME you start the game. EVERY TIME!!! You have to scroll through the thing, check a box, and accept it EVERY TIME! It's so annoying and un-needed. I deal with intellectual property law as it related to audio and video, and there is no real reason to be so anal about the EULA. Another annoyance is EA's logo at startup. I now officially hate EA after this game. I was never very fond of them, but now I simply hate them for forcing me to keep their damn logo video file on my system (if you delete it, the updater just puts it back). Screw EA.

Aside from the above, once you are actually in and playing, it's a lot of fun. I admit I did get sucked in and it's been (mostly) fun. I do compare it to WoW a lot, as it's obvious the developers used a number of WoW systems to base WAR on (things that are time proven and work well), but there are a few things where Mythic really needed to look at the WoW model a little closer.
Both games have a similar feel, which I think is why it's easy/fun to get into Warhammer, it feels familiar, but I assure you it is a totally different game unless you are one of those MMO nerds that wants to be all abstract and cut everything down to it's lowest common denominator (which most, but especially WoW fanboys/girls, will).

My last complaint is that soloing can be hard at times. I play a dark elf sorceresses and I do it alone. Most anything is easy to kill (it's a ranged high DPS class), but champion level creatures are near impossible to solo after you level up a couple times. Even champion/Hero npcs a couple levels below you. Unless you can tank, or heal, you're screwed for solo play. Same goes for RVR... work as a team or else you will die... a lot. Speaking of RVR, it's one of the areas this game seriously shines. I can't describe how much fun it is, that is, as long as you stick with your group. Go out and try to rambo other players and they will kick your butt back to Narnia or wherever the hell you came from.
Public Quests are also a lot of fun, and the system is great how it works. A bunch of people try to achieve the same goal (no instances, noting like that, these are open quests that just exist in normal space that ANYONE can be part of, and join in at any time). The quest records who did what kind of damage/contributed the most, then gives each player a roll of the dice (random chance at adding more points to your score), and the people with the top scores get a prize (some times really good stuff too).
Didn't get anything? That's ok, as long as you are in game you are given a special bonus that will be applied the next time you do the quest. That bonus will just grow and grow until you DO win something. I've never had to do a public quest more than 3 times in order to get a prize. And when I did I was typically in the one or two spot, so the bonus must be fairly good.

I say try it out. You might like it, you might now. I didn't think I would, and only got it to appease my curiosity (then again I can waste $50 and not really care), but to my surprise I actually liked it and may keep it around a while... at least until something else (maybe Diablo 3) gets my interest.