A good alternative to WOW.

User Rating: 8.5 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
A good WoW alternative for burned out players or PVP oriented players. I urge anyone to at least try this game.

A long time WoW player, I am awaiting WOLTK. However this game is filling the void just perfectly for me right now. And you know what, it IS good. Really good. Good enough, that Blizzard better be worried. If WOTLK tanks like BC did, they may lose a substantial number to WAR.

In many ways WAR is a mirror of WOW. PVE wise, combat wise, of course race/class wise. And even the overall look of the game is similar (less cartoony). There are times when you feel like you are playing an updated version of WoW (IN PVE anyway). That's not a bad thing either. It is intuitive and easy to use out of the box. Quests are easy to follow and the MAP rocks.

PVP/RVR is another story. Immediately upon entering the world you are struck by the shear size of everything. You can tell that Mythic envisioned 100 man battles in every nook and cranny of the world. IT IS MASSIVE. For WOW players, most of the world in WAR has the feel of AV. Its a world torn by war and it is massive. You can see for miles (although the draw distance needs work). The PVP system is an upgrade over wow. The fact that you can level in PVP solely if you choose, is epic.
The Combat is a touch slower than WOW. But, at this time it is pretty much balanced. Which is something that WOW never has been able to claim.

It is early but I see a sizable number of PVP oriented WOW players moving to WAR permanently.

Overall an 8.5 in my opinion. Anyway my 2c