WAR sucks, brah.

User Rating: 6.5 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
I was hyped for this game for nearly a year, voicing my hype on fansites and whatnot. I would not go into this game with as high of expectations as I had.

The combat is fun for a few levels. When you see your combat animations for the first time after killing that ten thousandth boar, you will find it hard to grind again.

The RvR in the game is pretty awesome, I'll admit. A lot of people will use this to make a bad game good, saying "olol if u want PvE go play WoW kk?" - yeah... WoW's PvE is just as bad, first of all. The PvE in WAR is even worse than Dark Age of Camelot's PvE. The story dialogue are essentially all the same; they never do anything different besides 'Kill x' for the quests.

But yes, the RvR is fun. Open RvR is a huge disappointment, but I heard it gets a lot better when you get to Praag [tier 4 anyone?]. The scenarios are the best part, though. You can que for one at level 1 and level up that way. Doing this in later tiers is not recommended, as you'll just be a waste to the team with how stronger the higher levels in your tier are to you. You NEED to PvE; not only to level, but to get the 'good' gear. Gear you get from grinding influence bars all the way up [you'll need to do this] is the best kind in the game. at least in the lower levels. Realm rank gear is okay if you need to balance yourself out with more resist, though, but at the cost of yummy stat boosts.

All the gear looks the same for your class. This may change during tier 4.

The hide cape/helm option only hides it to YOU, but other players still see it.

The chat system is obtrusive to, well, chatting. You get waaay too much unneeded combat/loot text.

I'd say the classes in general is the only standable thing in the game. If you are, however, wanting a game sheerly for class diversity, than this game is for you.

I could go on and on... I just really don't suggest this game. And no, I'm not a WoW fanboi - I actually didn't enjoy WoW, but I think it's still a better game than this. You may not trust a level 35 troll rogue on this, but I have other MMOs I've played to the endgame. This is just one of those that never gets better even at endgame.

And you -really- need to play the game passed level 11 to see how bad the leveling is. It's easily fixable by the developers, but it won't get me to play again. It's missing too many small features to really make it an MMO. I'd consider WAR maybe... a half an MMO.