8.5 now ... 9.5 after a few patches
I must admit I haven't put in the required time to truly make a perfect review but I have seen enough to tell you it isn't going to be a Age of Conan with all of the flash in the first few hours of gameplay and no substance throughout. Mythic has to patch a few little issues here and there but for a MMO launch this is a beauty.
Graphics: Nothing too mind blowing but great for it's leniant system requirements so it doesn't lose points here.
Audio: I don't really care about audio too much but it sounds right to me.
Gameplay: Plenty of options for Lvling and a great system overall to spend lots of time with.
Negatives: A few weird glitches and kinda wonky animation. Also the questing isn't very innovative and there isn't much of a social enviroment due to the lack of a general in-game chat at the moment.