Though it feels like WoW or other major MMOs it pushes the bar further than any MMO since the launch of WoW.

User Rating: 9.5 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
Innovative... the word itself dosn't seem to apply to Warhammer Online when you first get on and this is because it has the feel and look of World of Warcraft, the game that has defined all major MMOs since its launch. Since World of Warcraft MMOs have tried to emulate it in an attempt to pull in millions of players something that WoW also did for the first time ever (the game realy did break the 1+ million player mark).

So how is Warhammer Online Innovative you may ask? In subtle ways and by taking tried and true game design and building on it moving the MMO style of game foward, one step at a time. So lets get started with some examples:

Battlegrounds/Scenerios: World of Warcraft brought the concept of instanced PvP to the modern MMO players, the concept of a capture the flag, capture and hold style play in a stat based MMO was unheard of on a massive scale (previous attempts at similar styles of gameplay were limited to hard core pvpers). In comes WO, which makes it easy to join a Scenerio, a simple click is all you need and you can do this from anywhere. Furthermore WO makes PvP meaningful other than just "pwning" your fellow players... PvP kills drop loot, XP and a system of level called Renown (which allows you to buy special skills and armor). Though the system feels just like WoW's pvp system it is clear that Mythic has spent a great deal of time balancing and optomizing the experience players can literaly PvP when they feel like it in the most spontainious way possible.

Quests: As with all major MMOs WO has quests but it takes them a step further, you have your normal style quests... most of which are soloable by any class, but to spice things up they've created a new system called Public Quests. These are an amazing new twist on an old formula, players in a specific region are given objectives such as killing a type of mob (often a large number of them), then they may need to protect or attack a location, and in the final stages a boss spawn will attack the players who by this time have grouped up into a Warband (raid) all in the hopes of getting loot. With each objective completed players get influance the more you rack up the better your score at the end of the quest. When the boss mob is dead and done a nice window shows up with the list of all the players who have contributed enough to the quest and the server then rolls randomly (giving bonuses based on the ammount of contribution you gave) often the top 6-8 players will get various grads of "bags" all which when opened will contain loot built for their class. The more you do these PQs the higher your chance is of rolling high and getting a gold or blue bag (two highest grade iteams). Even if you didn't win anything in the rolls the influance points you earned can be spent on equipment, so in the end its a win win for everyone.

RvR: Mythic is the current master of RvR combat, and this still stays true. Whole regions within a tier of zones are flagged for RvR and when you enter you become pvpable (note you can play the whole game without pvping). In these regions you'll find control points and keeps. Control points are quick and easy outposts with a few guards, the goal is to kill the guards and take the objective, then you must guard it for two minutes untill your own guards spawn and which point it becomes taken and your team earns the objective (owning objectives leads to control of the zone which in turn gives you bonuses). Keeps are a bit differnt and require far more players to assault. In an assault players will drop down cannons, battering rams and all sorts of seige equipment in the attempt to take tha castle from the enemy players. The defenders will fire cannons from the walls down at enemies and drop hot oil at the door all in the attmept to break the attacking force. The goal when taking a keep is to kill the lord NPC inside, when this has happened the attackers will randomly roll on various loot bags just like in PQs, so PvP like PvE is a worthy experience to help your character grow... remember you gain XP for every kill you make in PvP.

Overall WO does feel and look like your average WoW clone when you first get on, but after playing it for hours on end you realise that its much more, and contains a fair ammount of depth in comparison. The final goal of any team is to conqure the enemies capital and though I haven't had the chance to assault a captial city yet the concept sound wonderful. Overall WO is a step above WoW and is the first MMO to realy take the WoW formula and move the MMO style forward. If your looking for a new MMO, or just sick of your old one I can assure you WO will please, and just like WoW the graphics are built to play on any upto date PC.