Warhammer Online WAAAGGGHHHH!!!! One of the best, or the best MMO ever!
Grahpics: Ok now the graphics for Warhammer didn't look to great through beta, but man it is awesome now. I know beta wasn't supposed to be the finished product, but it just shows what Mythic did during beta is all. I does look like Wow in a way, but in no way at the same time. The characters look sorta like characters from Wow but not exactly. The armor and npcs look nothing like Wow everything has a more realistic feel to it. Either way grahpics get a 9/10!
Gameplay: The game for me hasn't really slowed down since I started my chosen and magus. Now the first few quests are of course a little boring but hey its the first few quests. After you reach level 2 your going all over getting badass looking armor and weapons and looting all types of stuff. Now my fav. part of the game so far is the RvR, realm vs realm really pvp in my eyes, and the PQs, public quests. Now PQs are like a big quests that anyone can do, you can hope into one without knowing anything and get loot, it goes by rolls on the loot bags, which contain items to the bags color like green items in green bags etc. You also get influence for being the PQs this gets you armor pots and weapons. You have three stages of influences first is pots second is lower gear then third is high powerful stuff :P.
Overall: Alirhgt overall the game in my view is better then Wow, but then again I don't really think I can say that without reconsidering it since we have all played Wow for a good while. Oh one more thing, and sorry I forgot about this one negative. The max level in Warhammer ,for right now that is, is 40. It's a little low but I did hear the level cap will be raised to 80 at some point with the other classes and major cities being added. Well this game gets a 9.5/10 only because of the level 40 thing. Thanks for reading MC WAAAAGGGHHH!!