A poor excuse of a mmorpg with no real story,immersing environment,cinematics or voice-casting... point&click quests

User Rating: 1 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
I wonder why my first review was censored, i don't remember being impolite or offensive in any way whatsoever. People deserve to know the truth!

Now before rushing to the nearby store and buying this game like i did,first of all don't give in to the drawings/pictures displayed on the cover! The real look of the game is far from it. Inside you will find a loony/toony world a la Warner Bros ... similar to wow to some extent (even if it's the other way around).
But it's definitely not something you want for your kids just because of the toony aspect , is it? you'd rather have them play baseball on a wii than slash and hack, chop and scavenge the bodies of various monsters in a dark realm. (how does this game qualify for 12+ rating?)

I've played a few other remarkable mmorpgs so far,so i give an honest opinion from my personal experience: 3 years of Final Fantasy XI, 1 year of Guildwars (ongoing), a few months of Granado Espada (aesthetics ftw!), on and off weeks of Perfect World,Magic World a.s.o ... And a lifetime of rpgs with highly esteemed titles like the Baldur's Gate saga, Neverwinter Nights saga ... + console (ps2,ps1,ps3,snes,psp) Final Fantasy saga and many many others. One can easily try any of the above-mentioned games and get a true feel of what an RPG must be like. First of all it needs a solid story, that will keep you glued to the chair, with your hand frozen on the mouse,with twists and turns in the storyline, trust and betrayal that will leave you perplex,wanting for more... anyone remember yoshi's betrayal in Baldur's Gate 2?
In conclusion one can't really compare warhammer online with any normal rpg because they're different genres. Sure, WO has quests but they're mainly point&click+serious travelling between the two only to point&click again. Do you think you can choose from 5-7 answers and your choices will affect the story in any way? Or your allegiance? Think again.If you'd be sent hunting for turtles with the first option,guess what you'd hunt with all the other options(if you choose to take the quest).

Lagfest - serious lag. You need a top-notch pc to withstand the vortex of pixels,renderings,characters,polygons overlapping each other or suddenly appearing near one another. Don't expect RvR to be a piece of cake if you're going to be as slow as the turtles you hunt. The internet connection probably has a saying too,and the servers seem to get filled to refuse. I didn't see any migrating character options.. yet; they will surely be implemented at some point.

Grindfest ... or you can take the point and click quests. You use the same time to gain ranks.. at least you have a choice.

Visuals : i was stunned by Guildwars, in love with Final Fantasy merely out of the love i had for the entire saga before , amazed by Perfect World.... disappointed by WO . We're in the 21'st century... have some backbone people. If you'll still push the pc to the limits with your game at least do it right! Do it for something that's worth our time!

Audio: Same as above. We could have used some decent music, composers ... inspiration... nothing, i mean nothing is worth listening to in WO. Not even your button mashing to get your specials so you can consider yourself a challenging opponent. Game difficulty : If i get some free time, i'll try to teach my wolf how to play, she knows how to press keys and watch the screen so she should be ok. It's not like there's any min. iq requirement to be good here... The multiplayer part can be seriously challenging and fun in RvR . It's the core of the game and also the only good thing. I was very pleased how people were constantly keeping each other in check by occupying keeps or portals and doing sneaky attacks with the tanks...

Customer support : i bought a limited edition game in Portugal with the benefits of the CE , paid 50Euros on it and got only a 30 days online subscription. They never offered any in-game bonuses which were promised on the cover. The same edition is sold in my country without such promises on the cover for 30 Euros.

It's definitely not an improvement to the RPG world. Not worth your money.

If you do decide to dedicate yourselves to it,have an enjoyable experience for as long as it can last.
