Great features, awesome interface, good gameplay, public quests. Read the review to see where it falls short.
Gameplay- Awesome quest structure that makes you feel like youre part of a war. Too many many classes isnt a bad thing (Like in everquest) but when they all feel like crappy hybrids that are nerfed beyond belief it gets bad.
Graphics- Awesome terain, and yes im running on high settings. BUT the game feels INSANLEY RUSHED and the fanboys cant deny it. The fact that simple things are left out and it seems like game support doesnt want to adress these issues. The most out standing is the fact that there is NO BOW STRINGS on any bows or the mountable siege equipment. Your charecter simply grabs onto an invisible string and pulls back on it without any bow-bend. Alot of the abilities have cool flashy features but the games equivilent of a paladin or high elf has a heal that drops frames insanley for some reason(And people spam these in scenarios). Run animations are a joke for all races. And when you try to do a /emote such as dance it states that your target doesnt want to dance... it should say "Sorry we ran out of funding and couldnt put in any animations that involve a moving charecter."
Sound- Ever take karate? Remember how the teacher would make you scream at every attack you'd dish out? Thats what youre charecter does everytime he take or recieves a hit.
Public quests are a nice feature but if youre in an unpolular area (I.E) dwarfs or just in a low-pop server youll sit there for an hour waiting for another player to join up so you can finish it.... Its either that or wait until you can solo it , but by then the drops are useless.