Mythic's fail stab at World of Warcraft.

User Rating: 2.5 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
I played Dark Age of Camelot when it was pure Mythic. Well when Mythic brought EA into the mix, they lost players. I do not mean 2 or 3 players. I mean thousands of players. Eventually the game died.
Now we have Warhammer, another game by Mythic. Well hopefully they will be able to revive a few broken parts a few of my online friends agree. So I said that I think I may go play it for open-beta.

The first thing I notice is how terrible the characters look. They look all bloodied up. Ok fine. No big. There is little customization... Meh. Not like I stare at my toons all day long. Another thing I start to notice is that they changed the classes a bit. Awesome! No more standard mages!!! But wait, what is this? Chaos has cool classes. I will roll one of those.
However, as soon as I log on after creating my character, the next thing I start to notice is the UI. Aside from a few edits, it looks very close to the WoW UI. Well I like the WoW UI anyway. In Dark Age of Camelot, I have the WoW UI set as a custom. Fine. No big. Perhaps Mythic likes WoW's UI.

I then walk into a town and see that everyone has WHITE cloaks. First thing through my head is that they will not allow dying of armour and stuff. Like WoW. No. Later I learn it is a bug. A bug. Yes. I know I am playing beta and all, but damn... They could at least make sure their models are in proper working order before releasing it.

Then when I start to lose hope in the game I notice a nice little public quest system. Alright! Maybe this is not trying to clone WoW. I spend a good while playing with public questing and start to go on normal questing. This is when my hope starts to tweak down yet again. They are boring as hell and it is actually more fun to just kill things blindly. Gee thanks Mythic for making the leveling portion of the game EVEN more boring. I want to at least be somewhat amused when I am trying to level.

Fine. I get bored of leveling and I start looking around at the graphics when I am running to the next quest person. They are not impressive at all. Maybe they want users with Commodore 64s to be able to play this trash-heap.

Fine. Not impressed with the graphics. I que in for a battleground and wait forever. I figure out this is just like WoW's battle system with a bunch of very crappy effects. Thanks Mythic. -_-'
I kept in que for the "scenarios" for a bit. "Scenarios" that NEVER change maps. Oh and did I mention that everyone wants to play Chaos? Hello unbalanced PvP!

Then something crashed, or lagged. Not sure. But in my lv 1 - 17 experience. I did not like the taste of the game at all. It did not work. It was really buggy during beta. (Most games are pretty well debugged during beta.) And finally, it just proves more developers of MMORPGs are running out of ideas. Take my suggestion. If you want to play a good MMORPG, play WoW or LotRO.