A rather engaging environment has scared players who just want to play by themselves...
To start off, the characters look awesome! Ok, so bad graphics and bugs reduce their impact to a decent computer, but you don't exactly stare at them for hours on end, you only see the back of them! The good points end there, the classes have such a great divide between them, they resemble World of Warcraft's characters in almost NO WAY at all... but that's the problem. All the good, awesome-looking, evil characters are on the side of chaos (ironically, they are better on the table-top too!) and so the whole focus of the game is completely ruined by the fact that they haven't paid as much attention to the forces of Order.
Again, this system reflects the table-top game, it is a constant struggle to fight against the other faction, always battling in PvP, always getting beseiged, always encountering them... I'm surprised there are any Good players left! But let's face it, as enthralling as it sounds, no-one wants to be a part of a massive war...
War, as we all know, is cruel. This game (ironically titled) resembles war in the same way, it is a constant struggle for survival. There is no time to advance as a player, only as a team, so the quest system that pits yourself against the environment is completely abandonded to simple gathering and killing tasks, rather focusing on scenarios... similar to the table-top game!
Basically, Mythic has virtually advertised a rather rubbish, over-anticipated game, into another rubbish, over-anticipated game! Simple as that.