Review from someone who was obsessed with Mythic and DAoC pre-ToA, and even after ToA...

User Rating: 8 | Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning PC
This game really did have great potential, and does do a few things right, unfortunately, Mythic made some poor choices. Though the PvP is great, the player base became too dependent on scenarios to level up, leaving the PvE areas empty except for a few people who most likely arent interested in doing the same pq's or normal quests. Scenarios became the "grinding" that Mythic wanted to leave out of this MMO.

Not only did scenarios divide the population, but Mythic created too many servers when they were un-necessary, driving the population even further apart. Now, not even the highest population servers have a "High" population rating at the server selection screen at peak hours, and only a handful have a "medium" sized population playing at peak hours. Simply put, unless you're in a scenario or there's a open-RvR warband (which is actually more likely now with rewards for open-RvR, one of Mythic's better decisions, imo) the game world will seem (and be) empty.

They did do a great job with RvR and are doing a good job at improving it, but this comes a tad bit too late really. And very thankfully, unlike WoW, combat doesnt rely almost entirely upon items: if you know how to play your class and have skill there's a much better chance you'll win a fight one vs one. That's not to say items dont factor into the gameplay, but it's not even close to being as bad as WoW (sorry WoW fans, but that is how combat usually plays out in WoW: who has the better gear Instead of who has more skill) Sadly, Mythic's poor handling of the game's population and making scenarios the best source of xp has lead to this MMO being a boring grindfest. Maybe if they fix these problems, specifically returning the first letter "M" in the phrase MMORPG to this game, then I'll reactivate my account. But in it's current form, other games are slightly more deserving of my hard earned cash (what can I say, even my love for Mythic for creating DAoC can't make me love every game they make)