Finally a complete RvR(PvP) MMORPG
IMO I think PvE players will find this game repetitive and boring. With even worse diversety of appearance than WoW itemisation. + for paint possibility, but thats it. Most careers tend to finally look the same.
Graphics are good but nothing like LOTRO or AOC, WAR has its bugs, its occational crashes and several strange bugs. But in the end this doesn't matter.
Its all about RvR, open RvR where hundreds of players engage to retake Keeps and land. Scenario (instanced PvP) with small blast off capture the flag.
And the bonus, it all gains XP.
I also find after playing this game for a while now, that most players have a more mature tone in chat etc. Not many you noob etc... Strangly the darkest MMO out there makes people wanna help eachother be good, rather than push them down in the dirt.
The player quests are good too(out in nature PvE "instance") But its nothing like the RvR.
Dunno what more to say, only this is a real good game with lots of fun for the right gameplayer.
Huftsk out.