If you love pvp then you'll love Warhammer online even more... even with some performance problems
You've got so many more options to get lvls and enjoy the game that it never gets old. I've played WoW since the beginning and i have quit so many times just cause i had nothing to do anymore, and I haven't had this feeling with Warhammer. All the things they keep adding to the game keeps the experience fresh and fun.
The biggest plus for this game is ofc the pvp aspect. Warhammer just nails it!
Not being able to walk through enemys and getting xp from kills and battlegrounds is bloody great.
Now something not so great about the game is the performance... Still some framedrops for no obvious reason and the lack of graphics options bug me sometimes. I even play AoC on high with less problems then Warhammer : /.
Those problems aside the game looks sooooo nice.
Ah well if you're into killing others just for fun and being rewarded for it, then you should play this game!