There is no WAR...
I followed this game for more than a year before it was released and got it the first day it went on shelves. After a month of 'free subscription' I levelled a Bright Wizard to 20 and a few other characters to mid 10 and quit the game due to the fact that I didn't like the game. After about 4-5 months I subscribed for a month, left disappointed again. Now Mythic gave me a free '10-day trial period' for me to test the game again.
The big disappointment about WAR is that it does not exist. Open RvR at lower levels are literally non-existent. The game doesn't run smoothly (although better than before) but the animations and graphics aren't as smooth as the other competitor (I'm sure you all know what game I'm talking about). Quests are very boring and tedious to do and the PvE side of the game itself is very slow. The Empire vs. Chaos zones look all similar, there is nothing fresh about this game after you play it for 20+ hours. No one is doing Public Quests (even though Mythic have merged lots of servers together to increase the population to the point that they have made lots of them soloable) any more, which is sad for an MMORPG. Auction House and Cities are boring. There is nothing going on. The characters are lifeless...
The classes are not balanced. The game doesn't feel good. It doesn't suck you in like WoW did the first hour I played it. It is such a shame, because I had big hopes for this game but I was proven time and time again that, ''Since There is No War, There Will be No Hope'' for this game.