Very short, but sweet...
Warhawk is a decently done flight shooter for the PS1, although it's pretty hard, it can be plenty of fun for the hardcore gamers, but for the rest of the gaming world, you'll throw your controller at the TV in frustration.
You appearently have to recover Mercury canisters so you can stop an evil overlord from wreaking havoc on the planet, but as far as the story should've gone, well, that's about it...
the graphics, back then, were very advanced and were complinmented by real-life actors, which is a sign that this game is very, very old indeed. The controls are a little tricky, you'll find yourself crashing into walls from taking a turn too fast or not being able to stop in time so you can reach a higher level elevator style.
There are multiple endings in the game, but none of them are happy, it's either you getting killed, or your crew getting killed, you make the choice.
Overall, this game is something that stands out of the usual gaggle of somewhat "classics" and does so by it's unique control system, but it is really, really short and has little replay value, but for the price it probably is now, it's worth it...