Don't let the fanboys fool you, it's not the best multiplayer by far. Review inside.
No game is perfect, thats a given. However, this game could have been better. Even if there was only the Warhawk/Nemesis, thats only one plane for each team. Theres a variety of weapons, but Crimson Skies had this as well.
Hell, Crimson Skies seriously almost looks the same as this game graphically. This is a PS3 game, yet it uses almost nothing of the PS3's power, online or not.
It's a Mediocre game with little or no depth, 5 maps, a handful of weapons, a handful of weapons for planes, and 90% of your time playing this game will be in a vehicle. Playing as a ground soldier is pointless, as everyone else is already in a turret/tank/jeep/plane (Yes, thats every vehicle in the game right there. Theres one skin of this vehicle for each team)
It's not worth 40$, but if you desperately need online play with a watered down 3rd person Battlefield or even Battlefront (I say this, but I've personally never liked Battlefront) without the ability to switch between First/Third person, this might be a good idea.
-Theres 5 maps, each one with 3-4 layouts of the same map, just smaller/bigger areas depending on the game type.
-Theres a handful of game types, which doesn't matter because theres never really alot anyways.
-Theres 2 sides, each with one skin. Apparently you can up your rank and get more Head/Torso/Leg skins, but after the 4-5 hours i've played now, I haven't ranked up through playing ranked games.
-NO OFFLINE MULTIPLAYER. No Single Player. No bots, no nothing (Atleast from what i've seen). You have to sign into the PSN to play this game, period.
-Graphics are horrid, look like just plain Xbox/Gamecube quality. The animations are nice, sure, but the landscapes are dull and boring, and so are the textures. When a plane explodes, the pieces disappear in a few seconds and you can walk right through them. They don't bounce, no physics, no nothing. Other objects, such as barrels or onther canisters, seem to just disappear when you blow them up. Theres little/No debris.
-Not many weapons. Theres one of each type, and theres pretty much just a Pistol, rocket launcer, mines, machine gun, sniper rifle, flame thrower, and a knife.
-Vehicle physics are horrible. It doesn't have that nice feel that games like Battlefield or Halo gives off. They are tight and roll around like Hotwheels.
-40$-50$ price tag for what should have been 10$-20$.
-The planes are fun and frantic to fight with. They move fluidly and can turn instantly.
-Planes have lots of weapons to choose from for a vehicle, basically the same amount as a ground soldier.
-Pretty balanced gameplay. Tanks don't own everything, neither do planes, and a pistol can beat a rocket launcher. That being said, don't go looking for the OMFG BEST WEAPON, because there literally isn't one.
-Ground soldiers control nicely, and the rare gun fights are atleast fun.
-You can grab onto rafters in the small outposts, hide in the darkness, and shank people with your combat blade. That never gets old. It was a very small, less noticed, but very awesome addition.
All and all, the game isn't great. It's fun, but it's not as good as Battlefield or any of those types of games. It feels watered down and unfinished.
I'd give it a 5.5 out of 10. Close, but not good enough for what it should have been. If you really need this kind of gameplay to make you think your PS3 is worth something at the momment if it was loosing you, this game is a nice addition, and with it availible in stores and direct download, theres not an easier way to spend your money.