It is about time that we have a system game that you can jump into and shoot from the sky and ground with many players..

User Rating: 9 | Warhawk (w/Headset) PS3
I bought this right off the psn network and within ten minutes enjoyed the experience of working with a team in capturing the flag. The basic fps multiplayer game that has one purpose, multiplayer, no single story mode at all. This is nice because you really dont have to sit through hours of gameplay if you are like myself, as with other fps, when you just want the multiplayer experience and wish to blow up everything in sight. The controlls did take some time to get used too while the flight system for the motion controll ends up being turned off as you become target practive for those using analog sticks. The learning curve is about half an hour so you will likely be ready to really do damage if your a veteran of these style of games, but with the revolutionary twist of WarHawk, have a lot of fun without the boredom of the same old game. There are huge maps that are included and some small ones, 32 players at a time can seem sparse as well as unbelievable during air battles. This by far is the best addition to the ps3 catalog for the fall 07 series of games coming out. I reccomend with all guns blazing! Get Warhawk and experience the fast paced mutli-plat game today!