For a game that only has online play it had to be perfect, and it was just that.

User Rating: 9 | Warhawk (w/Headset) PS3
Considering the fact that Warhawk is practically half a game because of the lack of single player, it did extremly well. You almost forget about single player because you so into the thrilling multiplayer battles. The most amazing thing is that there are so man different ways to combat in this game. We can take the speedy warhawk, the powerful tank, the sneaky vehicule or we can kamikaze by foot. There are diffrent types of guns that you can use such as the assault rifle, this fire rirle, grenades, sniper rifle, and some others. But I have to say my favourite is the rocket launcher as it has the best penetration. It just blasts you off the planet.
The graphics in this game are definatly next gen. I love the fact that you can see the shadows of the warhawks on the ground. Evrytime you see one your first thought is, shoot i better run for cover.
The sound is also quite neat. No stupid gun sounds, no stupid voices. They even made it so that you have to press a button to talk so that you wont hear people breathing or swearing in some language.
I am very satisfied with this game, definatly a classic in my opinion.