Warhawk is non-stop online fun with a great variety of vehicles and weapons. The only problems are minor gripes.
Like any online multiplayer shooter you get points for meeting certain objective such as kills(obviously), capturing zones and capturing the flag. As you earn these points you rank improves and you earn more customization options for your character. Though there is a glitch going on right now with the ranking but we'll get to that in a minute. The game modes are your standard bag of tricks. There's Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Zones and Capture the Flag. Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch are exactly what they sound like. Deathmatch is an every man for himself style combat and Team Deathmatch puts you on one of 2 teams. Zones has you scurrying around the map capturing and holding zones. These zones double as spawn points. The more zones you capture the more points you earn for your team. Capture the Flag is self explanatory. The games carry on until 1 of 2 things are met. You score the max number of points or time expires. The types of servers are the SCEA ranked servers which are colored blue and the user created servers which are white. The SCEA severs are the only ones where you can rank up. Split screen is possible for this game but naturally you can only do so in user created servers. I have only encountered lag twice since I've begun playing and both times were hardly noticeable. Did I mention you get a sweet ass bluetooth headset? We'll not for long anyway. the $40 version will just come with the game itself. You can also download Warhawk off the PSN for the same price. Now for the gripes I promised earlier. The good outweigh the bad significantly. There aren't enough maps. The variety is very small, you play long enough and you will start to become bored of the same maps. My other complaint has to do with the Rank Glitch. Everyone seems to be leveling up at an alarming rate, and by that I mean the points players have do not meet the requirement for the rank they are at. Take me for example, I only have roughly 400 points. I should be at Airmen rank but the game has me at Commander. Simply put Commander rank isn't reached until you have about 3000 points. The good news is that both these problems can be fixed via updates and add-on content. All in All Warhawk is a great game that I encourage you to go buy/download. You will need DSL or higher internet so keep that in mind when purchasing.