Great online experiance, too bad its all the game has.
Graphics: this game is very good looking, that being said this game does not go for a realistic look. warhawk has a very nice looking world that you just never get sick of looking at. the characters have a very stylized cartoony look about them that dont really add to the look and feel of the game, but they dont take away from it either. simply said they work, they fit fine...its not like they are brightly colored disney characters in the middle of a war. ive played with up to 32 players and some of the battles look amazing when the game is heating up.
Sound: unlike my other reviews for some of my other games, to better split screen this game (which divides the screen into a left and right rather than a top and bottom screen) i moved my ps3 into the living room onto the hd screen and better speakers. anyway, the sounds in this game are great. the sounds of a warhawk flying right over your head sounds great, better than i expected to say the least. i dont remember in game music at all...but the sounds that are there are pretty good.
Gameplay: this is where warhawk truly stands out, its one of the best handling games ive played in a long time. for the sake of giving warhawk justice for the 3 types of gameplay it brings to the table im dividing this section into 3 groups.
First the foot soldiers. this is where i spend a majority of my time, ive learned how to survive relitivly well as a foot soldier and there no better joy than getting 12 kills for every 1 of my death (doesnt happen often but it makes me feel good on the inside). as a foot soldier you are dependent on the types of guns you have, the best and smartest move it to grab all the guns and have them almost full in the ammo department. from there you are ready to move out. you can run to the front lines and help take over bases, or if your like me you play the defensive side of the game and protect the bases your team has already taken. but dependent on which of the maps im on, i choose my fav base and just chill there. usualy i snipe at anything i see moving in the distance and pull out my flamethrower for CQC and even anti tank and jeep combat. rocket launchers for warhawks...and your ready to get into the action.
vehicles, the list of these are rather small...tanks and jeeps are the only 2 i can think of. the tank has some great offensive abilities but can be easily over powered by a quick thinking foot soldier or a warhawk who stays in your blind spot and shoots at you while you cant shoot it. the jeep is mostly for transportation purposes, but also acts as a good ram as you run over footsoldiers who have yet to realize your about to kill them.
warhawks are probably the hardest thing in this game to get good at. they have very little HP so you will get shot down often. you use the right analog stick to perform moves such as barrel roles and loops...spamming these like no other can throw off an enemy but you will often find yourself a little disoriented as well. your weapons are dependent on floating ammo packs that give you diffrent kinds of missles, and your best friend to keep you alive chaff. warhawks also hold many gameplay secrets you kinda pick up as you go along. theres the turbo boost, quick turns, etc. that once you master will save your life many many times. im getting better in a warhawk. but im still 1-2 kills per death.
warhawk only has 4 extremly large levels, and no campaign mode what so ever. but the game also took 20 dollars off the price tag because of this. so if your looking for a great online shooter for the ps3 the 40 dollar warhawk might be the game for you (warhawk bundled with the headset is 60dollars. the game itself is 40)