Wonderful game. Great local multiplayer. Online play fun but watch out for gamer trolls. Play this game every week!
Every Sunday after church our family ironically sits around the tube & plays Warhawk for several hours. We play this game split screen & local. We laugh alot while playing this game. Even my wife likes to play. There is plenty of modes & maps to be had. The downloadable content is worth it. If you are a play station plus member the extra content can be downloaded for free. You can buy a used copy of this game for around $15.00 which makes it a great bargin. There is many of different weapons & vehicles to use all that give this 3rd person shooter alot of variety. Aside from Little Big Planet this is our favorite game on PS3 currently. This game is just plain fun & that is why we play it every week.
There are some downsides to this game however. I really really really hate the fact that this game has a 30 minute time limit maximum. I would prefer if you could turn the timer off & just play until said player gets the 300 point limit. Online play (non local play) is fun yet I find that most of the players are so much better then me that I am just constantly respawning. The worst part is that I have been playing this game for over a year & still am frustrated with the regular online play. This varies depending on whom your are playing against. Often there are these fps trolls that are sooo good that they just shoot you out of the sky as soon as you get in your Warhawk. I know this is part of the game. If you create a game you can alter the ranking so people with the highest ranking cannot join your game which is nice to mitigate some of the sharks.
I am really looking forward to a sequel for this game. I would be glad to see more updates & downloads. It is rumored that there could be a SpaceHawk in the future. If they were to make it then I would gladly buy it.
To recap our family loves this game & we play it alot locally. Online play can be challenging & we feel there are too many trolls online picking on the noobs (like myself). I really wish you could shut off the timer when you create a game.
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