I thought that this game was going to be better than the 2nd warioland, but I was wrong ... why?? --> read this--->
User Rating: 7.3 | Wario Land 3 GBC
I am going to go straight to the point for this one and describe what this game really has to offer for you: Warioland 3 was an ok game, it had its good parts and a good final boss, but overall the game was nothing great. It is one of those games that you like while you play (yet not love) and after you beat it you think "that was pretty good, not bad" and then never EVER play it again; which was exactly what I did. As a platformer it has some good stuff like hidden courses, and a lot of hidden stuff to find in each course, which most of the time requires that you proceed in the game and learn a new ability, then go back to that course and go into the areas that could only be reached using that particular ability. Also the game has a % counter that keeps tracks of the special hidden coins that you have found in each course (4 per course) and to reach 100% (something most completists will want) you need to find all 4 in all courses which means you also have to find all courses and all the hidden areas in each of them. On top of that the game also has a lot of treasures to find and some of those are the artifacts that give you the abilities you need AND to find all those artifatcs and treasures, you also need to find a key that is usually hidden in each stage...... yes I know A LOT of stuff to find. I got 100% so I can tell you that if you like the collect--find--complete aspect of platformers you are going to enjoy this one because it has LOTS of it. The difficulty is one of the great things about this game it is easy yet it is not. You have no lives like in mario because you simply never die, and that is fun trust me.... YET this is not very easy either because finding the stuff requires that you often have to think hard to realize a clever way to use your abilities in combination with the landscape and even the enemies to reach all those things you have to collect or get to proceed. Also, after you beat the game you are allowed to keep playing to find anything you missed and complete the game 100% and also time attack mode is unlocked, which is simply a timer that keeps track of how fast you can find the 4 coins in each stage... so that's a bit more replay for those that want to break their time records.
Graphics and everything else are good in gameboy color quality, and better than in most GBC games. Something that is not convenient at all about this game is that this game only has 1 save, which means if after you complete it you want to play it again and keep your completed save you can't, to start a new game you are forced to ERASE your old one. Also this game is all about gameplay, no extra talking no extra anything and its story can be told in 3 sentences as most mario stories (by the way this game has nothing to do with mario games). SO after all this you might wonder why I give it less than 8/10 ..... well it is very simple, the 2nd warioland which I played before is much better and much more fun to play than this one, and also kind of different, since you have to unlock your abilities in this one by finding treasures and in WA2 you had them all since the beginning and it simply was a more fun than WA3 altogether....... and I really expected this would be better, but it isn't, it is as simple as that. If you are looking for a great (most likely the best) platformer for GB or GBC and you consider this, get warioland 2 first...... if you like WA2 you will also like this one, but like I said it is not better and it is not an extraordinary game either, definitely not the 9.8 that gamespot says it is, not by a long shot unless GBC was the only console in existence.
if you have a gameboy color only this is recommended and also if you like platformers (and AFTER playing the 2nd warioland) with lots of hidden stuff; if not there are many better games around today (this is based on my experience of playing and completing WA3 5 years ago)
my extra ratings (be aware I rate hard on this, both 10/10s = simply 1 of the most fun games ever created)
fun factor--- 6.8/10
overall entertainment--- 7.5/10
I hope my review was useful for you (: