An awesome game to play over and over!
I think the land of the music box is such an interest place to be in. All the levels have such imagination put into it. The treasure chests and their respective keys of the same colour as the chest are cleverly placed through out the levels. In these chests are items that'll help wario on his quest whether it be a power up or an item that opens up a new are in a seperate level. There is a lot of backtracking in this game but nothing like metroid where you'll have to travel great distance to get to the next part. The game has a HUB and a lot of levels to choose from.
Wario is industructable, he cannot be killed so that's why you'll be faced with a lot of challenges. When wario touches an enemy, his status changes. He can either be zapped or transformed or frozen by particular enemies. It is these status changes that can help to reach a coloured key or treasure chest.
This game is definately worth the purchase so if you find it don't ignore it because you'll be missing out on this superb gem.