The sideways control is hard to master, the cartoonish style is fun, but overall, this makes a better rental.

User Rating: 7 | Wario Land Shake WII
I didn't like this game when I first played it. And I finally figured out the controls, you have to hold the controller sideways which seems unnatural and it takes a long time to really catch on to that. It's an easy, straightforward game that takes very little thinking. Some parts may stump you temporarily but in general its very easy to whizz through a board. Wario has great graphics, very cute cartoonish characters with comical little animations, like when he jumps down pipes and his butt wiggles or when he shoots out of a pipe to run full speed like a cannon. It's cute. His characteristic grumbling is funny too. It's a very well put together game, and once you learn the controls, it can be fun. The shaking of coinbags will eventually lose its appeal, but it's nice to slam the control and have Wario slam the ground, or shake the controller to have Wario grab a monster and shake it till its eyes are rolling.

All in all, it's cute and satusfying, but a game better rented before purchased.