User Rating: 5.4 | Wario World GC
I enjoyed Wario World greatly. It has nice sound effects, graphics are pretty good, but, I only played it for 20 hours, and what, that's like, let's see a fifty dollar game... $1.50 an hour. That's the complant I have whith games these days. Anyway I really enjoyed the short time I played it, Wario's very intertaning. I want to see more of him. You see the game could have been much harder very easily. That's what gets me about it, y'know? I'll admit it, I'm a hard core gamer, I played the SNES and N64. So this was a cupcake for my brother and me (we play together all the time) 20 hours... oh well, I liked it a lot and wanted it to last. I do recamend it, but don't expect ito play it very long, It's really easy for the really good gamers! But what I care about is gameplay.