User Rating: 8.2 | Wario Ware, Inc: Minigame Mania GBA
I thought this game was too weird to buy, until a friend of mine showed it to me. It's an insanely fun concept. If you're in the mood, you could probably sit down and play it for several hours. But one of the best aspects of Wario Ware is that it's a quick portable game. It's a great time waster when you're waiting for something. Like when your tires are getting changed, when you're in the waiting room at the dentist, or when you're sitting outside of the dressing room at the mall waiting for your girlfriend. Half the fun comes from figuring out what to do in a game you've seen for the first time. Once you've played all of the minigames (and there are a ton of them), the game loses a little bit of its freshness. But replaying the games is still really a lot of fun, and shooting for a new record or playing on harder difficulties adds endless hours of replayability.