This proves it! Simple can be fun!

User Rating: 9.4 | Wario Ware, Inc: Minigame Mania GBA
The mario party games are tons of fun to play. Now take the Idea of mario party, erase the party, and make 1 of the least used charecters, and make him the star what do you get? strangely satisfing gameplay. Gameplay wise, this game is ADDICTING AS HELL. It's based on mini-games, and mini-games only. The graphics are colorful and fiberint, and the sprites are smooth as a GBA can be. sound is just a strange as every thing else. And the music is exellent. the story is has follows, one day Wario was watching TV, and the news says that poyoupop is selling like panckes covered in krack. so wario sees an oppertunity to get rich, legaly. And so he gets his friends to make mini-games for his game. Overall, thare is only 1 reson not to buy this game, you don't have a GBA. But if you do, you owe it to yourself to get this one.