Fun but way to short.
The game is very fun and a bit addictive. The crazy poises that they make you do are very fun. And the varity of ways to use the wiimote is very impressive. This is also fun to play with others and to watch them do all the crazy posies.
Way to short. If i wanted to i could be the game in a hour or so. Its very easy to cheat but there is no reason to cheat just saying that it is. After you beat it n unlock all the poises it gets a little boring because u done all of this already thats y it is fun to play 2 player. And you have to beat the game to unlock 2 player.
But over all its pretty decent game.
But a little to pricey.
and thats about it.
excuse this random typing it has to be 800 characters so i have to add letters.
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