"That was crazy"
The Bad: Multiplayer has to be unlocked, multiplayer involves passing the remote, over quite quickly, small amount of mini games that are ridiculously hard and sometimes feel broken or unclear in what you need to do.
In this game you go through little stages where you play through mini game after mini game in quick concession, there is around 10 stages to play through, each adding a different way to use the remote, for example, the umberella where you have to hold the remote vertically, the elephant where you have to hold the remote to your nose (and look like a complete idiot in the process) and many more. As you play through you will repeat a few mini games, but these mini games are often over in less than 2-3 seconds (yes its that fast!), but no mini games feel to be the same (in other words, just put their to add quantity), there is a great variety of mini games, for example,you go from holding the remote to you waist and doing the hula hoop movement, to the "sketch artist" where you have to just write anything on a peice of paper before the time runs out.
The remote is highly responsive and if you use it the wrong way it doesnt work (unlike alot of other games out of there). As ive said theres lots of different ways you have to use the remote, making the game alot more fun.
Although there is no voice acting in this game, it feels better without it, the animations are great and look really good, alot of the videos are quite funny and are quite fun to watch.
The major flaw to this game is definitely the multiplayer element, firstly you have to unlock multiplayer, which requires you to get almost to the end of the game, which can take sometime, so if your looking for a game where you can just jump in with your friends, unless you want to take turns with the remote or try beat each others best score, this isnt a great game to go for. When you have unlocked multiplayer mode, there are 6 games to play, all requiring just one remote (and in one game type the nun chuck too), this is a shame as it just feels like your trying to beat the other persons best most of the time and you dont really feel your at competition with them whilst playing, there is one where you have to take turns whilst running and at the end the person who did best has 3 ropes holding them up, and the other has 2, but this doesnt really make sense as its pretty random so if you did alot better than the other guy you can still lose.
Although there is over 200 mini games theres only around 10 stages, you can go back to previous stages to see how far you can get without dying but sadly it would have been better to see a few more stages.
Finally, there is a very small amount of mini games that can be a pain, the main one that springs to mind is the boss stage in The Dog and Cat stage (cant remember their names), i had alot of problems passing this, the first part wasnt bad but the shooting from the nose didnt work at times. Theres also a small amount of mini games where its unclear in how you are supposed to move the remote to succeed, for example, the catch the beat mini game and straighten the papers mini game, but overall, this is a very small amount and doesnt really spoil the game
So in conclusion, this is a great by, especially for someone with just one wii remote, your pretty much guaranteed to have at least 2 hours of pure fun with this game
Please Note: The learning curve is set to 1 to 2 hours because thats roughly how long it takes to discover all the remote actions