If you are thinking about buying this game, STOP! Rent it first, you will be glad you did.
The single player game is ridiculously short. You could play through it in 2-3 hours quite easily. It seems like it was meant as something to just kind of blow through and introduce you to all the forms with the reward of "Multi" now being a choice from the main menu.
When you start you are introduced to an overhead view of a map of a city with one location to choose. You then choose that location and play through its series of micro games; once done you have unlocked 1 or more new locations to check out. Each micro game has its own mini boss fight at the end that may take a couple tries, this is the only real challenge offered by the game. It proceeds like this until there are no more locations.
The new locations unlocked will either be another stage you must conquer, a Mini-game suck as Darts you can now play at will, or both.
Graphics are extremely simple ranging from cartoon to bare 3d renderings.
Music ranged form annoying to tolerable, speeding up as you advanced within the level.
Entire presentation is aimed quite squarely on the younger crowd, giving zero multi player value to us old timers (is 28 old??)
The game introduces tonnes of different ways to hold your controller such as in front of your face to mimic an elephant trunk, above the head like a Mohawk, at your side, in front of you, on the table and many more.
The game truly will have you flailing that remote around, and im sure there are others like me who paid no mind to the wrist strap until playing through this game...I was able to make my remote fly.
You'll see a lot of little tidbits from the past in many of the micro games, such as Super Mario or Punch Out. Some genuinely funny splash screens that will truly make you chuckle, though i'm not sure how they would fair after the 3rd or 4th time being seen...my guess is not good at all.
There is a handful of modes for multi player which is only unlocked after completing the single player mode, each of which is pretty much just a different way to present the same game play, except for the mini game Darts for example.
When playing multi player you will find yourself handing off the remote between turns. This is a big no-no for me and seriously hurt and potential value in the game, I mean, I've purchased multiple remotes for a reason.
All in all, once I finished I had zero desire to ever play it again, and immediately decided this title was going to be traded in. Perhaps this game could appeal more to a younger audience but I could not see breaking this game out with my 30-ish year old friends and having fun.
This game's only value is in what you get for it when you go to trade it off; in my case $20. Im not a big trade-all-old-games-for-new-ones sort of person so the fact that I did so with this title speaks volumes.
That's it, ultimately you will make your own decision but I truly believe that you will be very happy if you try before you buy.