Crazy characters and mini-games are going to make you curios, but this is an overrated disappointment.
The singleplayer mode is quite amusing, the story and characters are all very crazy, but some of the stories are even boring. The quick tutorials for the poses are fine and somehow funny. There is a lot of variety in the poses, but a lot of them are quite similar. To sum it up, the singleplayer mode was short but solid.
Something about the mini-games in general: They tend to vary a lot in there difficulty. Some of them are an easy win on your first try and some of them are hard to figure out.
The multiplayer mode was really disappointing. You have to play with one remote, which doesnt make any sense for me. There are different modes aswell, but most of them are only worth playing for one time and the other ones (where you basically do one mini-game after another and switch the remote) are quite similar. In most mini-games you don't play at the same time which simply isn't as entertaining as playing simultaneously.
I'd suggest you to rent the game first, because this isn't everyones taste.