This game will make you have a blast with the 200 micro games,The story and the multi player modes. A Must buy!

User Rating: 8.7 | WarioWare: Smooth Moves WII
I have had alot of fun with this game! So much variety of the micro games and what the wii-mote can do. It is a fun game and suits the wii's style perfectly.
The Story Mode: A Really good story line. When Wario's junk food gets stolen and he chases after it, he stumbles upon the Wii Remote.(A.K.A. the form baton) which is to have super natural abilities. Though the story you can get thru in one day of playing, there is still more games to unlock, including the elephant stages.Though there is alot of variety there is not much replay value in story except if you have alot of the micro games and you like to play them over and over again. (Which is what i do)
The Multi-Player Mode: Well there is all of the micro games in multi mode as well as story but as well as extras including Star-Nose. The game plays up to 12 players with just passing the wii mote around for a bigger multi gameplay expirience.
Overall, it is so much fun and addicting, i would say a must buy in the wario ware series, best in the wario ware series,just plain fun!