The best of the series, and quite possibly one of the best for the Wii

User Rating: 9.1 | WarioWare: Smooth Moves WII
Warioware Smooth Moves is your typical Warioware game. The series has grown from being a handheld game, to a console game, gameboy game again, and a Nintendo DS game, and here it is again a console game. The game consists of mini games called "Microgames" which are about 5 seconds to beat and you have to beat one after the next to advance to the next level and to play in the "Boss Level" which are IMO the best out of all the microgames. There are different microgames for each character you choose, and there are different uses for the wiimote for each microgame, for example, one would expect you to hold the wiimote like an umbrella, a remote control, a waiters plate, even a elephant's nose. There are many positions to hold the wiimote in this game and there are over 200 microgames in total. This game should last you quite a long time. There isn't really a story to this game, it's just a series of games within the game. It's not a typical game you'd expect though, there are bunch of randomness in this game, for example you're picking someone's nose in one game, in the next, you're running a marathon, in the next you're balancing a broomstick. It's endless amounts of fun especially with your friends and family. This game is pretty easy to pickup and play right away, and it's fully animated which is also appealing to those who like the cartoon-like cutscenes in between. The game supports up to 4 players, and you can play in multiplayer with others to last longer in the microgames than the people you're playing with. Overall I give this game a 9.1 out of 10.0 Great game, by far my favorite for the Wii.