a game that is very innovative and fun that'll make make you laugh your ass off... however, the game finishes to early..

User Rating: 9.5 | WarioWare: Smooth Moves WII
as a wii owner... i love this game... even though i'm a mario type of person i really appreaciate and enjoyed this game. Warioware is a must-buy game for all wii owners. the good thing about this game is that the minigames and the stories are funny and you'll have a lot of laughs. theonly problem is that its too short. It only has about 10-12 or even less character stories... unlike the ds wario... this game is great and i hope they make a sequel on the wii. hopefully a longer playtime... wario is a good game in an aspect of entertainment. its controls are also perfect as you learn all sorts of moves like the handlebar or the mohawk... the game makes you look like a weird person with all the moves you do. my personal favorite was when you danced at one of the last stages. once again... warioware: smooth moves is a must-buy game and even though it is a short game it is worth it...