The First Review to Wario Ware and hope it Make Sense....

User Rating: 4.5 | Utsusu Made in Wario DS
This is Damonkeyattack with a game Review Of the game Wario Ware : Snapped For the Ds . I have try out this Game as a Demo for 500 Point So i try out this game it was Bad. The game is very hard for the camera to work Right in the game. when you play the game you try to move your head or hand as the game is play.

the camera won't work unless you have good color of the Room or where ever you are playing at. the Control of moving your head or face in the game is hard beside the 120 that you have to do while playing the game and not shaking it is very hard to handle.

the game is not bad but they could just make another wario ware version like on the game boy. if you wanna try this game then you can spent your 500 point on this but if you don't like game that confusing and camera problem then i say don't try out this game. thanks for reading my review i hope it made sense.