The best Wario Ware game yet

User Rating: 7.9 | WarioWare: Touched! DS
Wario Ware DS is one of the best if not THE best DS game yet, it's much better than feel the magic..each mini-game is as fun as the next one, what I did not like though is the "no time limit boss statges", they were WAY to easy and took 10 seconds to complete. The graphics in this game are varied, some have a cool 3-D effect, and you can turn stuff in 360 degree angles. The audio in this game is good, but I would have liked to see more mini-game stages with music that had lyrics, like Mikes miciophone stages. Overall Wario Ware: Touched! is the best DS game to come out yet, and will remain one of the best until another game like this comes out.