This game is failry enjoyable, but fails to live up to the WarioWario standard set by the first GBA game.
User Rating: 6.1 | WarioWare: Touched! DS
If you don't have any experience with WarioWare, this game will grow on you rather quickly. The entire notion of "microgames" is a fantastic innovation for handheld gaming. You can pick up a WarioWare game and kill a few minutes or sit down and play for hours. The pace and craziness of the experience has a pretty universal appeal, as the microgames are simple enough for anyone to learn and enjoy. If this is news to you, you will likely enjoy WarioWare Touched!. If it is not, I think that you will be as dissapointed as I am at how this game not only fails to improve upon the original, but even to fill its shoes. To be completely honest, I had high expectations. I was excited to hear that Intelligent Systems (developers of Paper Mario, both Advance Wars, and Fire Emblem) was codeveloping the game, and I thought that they would be sure to make the game live up to its potential. I expected Nintendo to show us how the DS was superior to the GBA by making use of the larger memory capacity and the faster processors, as well as the touch screen - I was sorely dissapointed. Touched! actually seems shorter than the original game. There are not nearly enough microgames considering the potential of the hardware. The graphics are mostly identical to the original as well. Nintendo also failed to utilize the wireless capabilities of the DS by including some of the multi-player action that they felt was so important as to necessitate rereleasing the original WarioWare for the Game Cube. The only thing that makes this a DS game is the fact that rather than pressing buttons, on is tapping the screen (sometimes tapping buttons that are pictured on the screen...). If you are a WarioWare veteran, I would not pay full price for this game. It is my understanding that the soon to be released WarioWare Twisted! for the GBA is a far superior, and longer lasting, game. I hope that you heed my advice and don't make the same mistake that I did. If you are new to the series, pick up the original and play it on you DS if you really want to play your DS, you'll have more fun that way.