With its humor and addicting seemingly unlimited supply of Micro Games, Wario Ware will have you hooked to your DS!

User Rating: 9.6 | WarioWare: Touched! DS
Wario Ware: Touched Review
Wario Ware Touched was launched early in the age of the Nintendo DS. This game is great with its humor and addicting Micro Games. You will spend hours playing the addicting Micro Games. Out of the 4 Wario Ware games, this one is my personal favorite. Using the DS’s Touchable Screen, Wario Ware Twisted is all about tapping, dragging, and spinning with the Stylus. You’ll love this game. There is a brief story for about 12 players and you must complete the character’s level by beating a set number of micro games. The range of the Micro Games required to beat is usually 12-20. Each character has their own individual theme with the Touch Screen. So what I mean is that one person has Micro Games in which you trace or drag. Another is all about spinning. These numerous capabilities make the game amazing. You even have to play Micro Games that require you to blow in the Mic of the DS. Completing all 12 character stories is a piece of cake that will normally take 5 hours to complete. You may not be happy to know how short everything turns out, but there is a bunch more pluses to this game.
For one thing, unlockables seem unlimited. You can get some great secret games to toy around with, and there also are some fantastic bonus levels in which you must quickly beat some of the randomly selected Micro Games. Another down side is the fact that there isn’t any multiplayer. Fans may be turned down here as well. I must admit that I expected a multiplayer to be available in this game. Nonetheless, this game is pretty cool. As far as graphics go, there are pretty good. I love the animation. For what it aims for, the graphics of this game are a complete success, however, for a Nintendo DS game, they are only okay. But hey, I love the graphics, fans just may not be too content with the animated scenes displayed in the Micro Games. The sound is one thing you have to love in all Wario Ware games. Each character level has its own music. The theme reflects in the game too as you play. The farther you get into the character’s stage, the faster the music becomes. It sounds great. Wario sounds great too, because what he says at times is hilarious. I definitely recommend this game for the price it’s at. You’ll love it especially if you have some humor and like to play a variety of things. There is indeed a variety of Micro Games. From unrolling toilet paper, to lighting a match, this game is awesome! In conclusion, with the downsides of no multiplayer, and a brief story mode, Wario Ware may sound like a bummer, but it is indeed worth it. The game will have you in tears with its humor, and you may even sweat as you play the micro games in an attempt to get a high score. If you ever pick up this game, hope this helped you in your decision. Peace